Thursday, March 29, 2012

Midweek Randoms

It's been a great week at the Mayo house.... how about yours?

* This weekend was the BEST.  Girls night Friday night at Mi Dia.... the PERFECT patio place.  Then Guy was home and only worked an hour or two the whole weekend.  This never happens, folks!  We didn't really leave the house much, instead enjoyed the 80 degree temps and worked on the yard both days.  Between the raking, mowing, fertilizing, planting, and mulching, we did a lot to the front yard.  Now we need to tackle the side garden and backyard weeds grass.

* We have baby birds! We have baby birds!  I had seen the birds flying around the ferns on the front porch, but it wasn't until I heard the chirping that I realized there was a nest.  Guess I will have to stop watering my fern.  I think there are four babies.  I feel like a proud momma.  They are so cute!  B and I check on them multiple times a day.

* While checking on thew birds yesterday B spotted this lizard in the monkey grass.  He was mesmerized.  The lizard never moved, so I was impressed that he could discern anything unusual.

* I thought this site was cool.  (found on pinterest) Just type in a book you enjoyed and it will give you other titles you might like.

* I found a water/sand table for $20 at a garage sale.  It's nothing fancy, but I think it will be perfect for splashing in this summer.  And I will be guilt free whenever I throw it out!

* A couple of weeks ago Emily and I set out to make Teagan an appliquéd cupcake shirt for her birthday.  About halfway into the project my embroidery machine started acting up.  Well, I took it in and the man had it working on the 1st try.  Surely it was not the bottle of wine we consumed! Since I had bought it used, I went ahead and had him just check it all out.  Now she's (my machine is definitely a girl) back and I was able to finish the shirt (well past her T's birthday) and get working on a few other projects.

* I love getting good deals at the grocery store and try to be good about using my coupons.  I finally got them all organized!

I went from this....

To a much more organized binder.  Unfortunately, I don't have a pic.  But trust me, it is much easier to locate my coupons now!

* Best run was 4 miles (with Beckett) this week.  I didn't time it :(.  And I can run 3 miles with him fairly easily.

* Have you tried these pretzel rolls?  They are quite delicious!

We went to Fireside Pies the other night.  In the courtyard area they have this little patch of fake turf.  It's awesome!  It looks real, but you wouldn't have to worry about your baby pulling up and eating the grass.  Also, it's soft on the knees.  Cori was telling me that there is a park in OKC that has fake turf.  Anyone know of a Dallas area park with turf?

Hope everyone has a great week!

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