Monday, March 17, 2014

Playin' Around

It seems like I am SO SO busy, but what I am doing?  Pretty much just staying inside my house and playing around with my babies.  Beckett has been a good boy.  He is so funny these days.  He says a new word or phrase  It kills me.  Here are some of my favorite things he says right now:

"I can't like it." 
"Hi Airplane.  How ya doin'?"  (I reply back - "I'm doing good.  How are you?")  "Pretty great."  
"Okay, okay"  (Always two, never just one okay.)
"Will you buckle my in?"  (buckle me in)
"I wanna hold you."  (Will you hold me?)
"That's not really good."
"Your so pretty momma."
"It's my fwavewit." (favorite)

The other day the Stoner girls came over.  Beckett was in heaven.  They are so cute together!  He had the hardest time sharing his toys though.  It's funny, he is either just fine with sharing or it's an issue.  Sigh.  

Here's Miss Reesey at 8 weeks (I'm pretty sure).  She is the smiliest thing!  She just lights up when you grin at her.  And she loooves her big brother! I think she is going to have Guy's personality.  So far she seems to be quite the social little creature.  

And she is getting better at being by herself (and not always held)!  She will stay on the play mat for a good 15 minutes or so now.  

I can't wait for warmer weather and trips to the park!  The Mayos are getting a little stir crazy!

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