* I saw the CUTEST monster pillow on this blog. (I love her blog, by the way. And she is a complete stranger. Is that weird?) Anyway, I thought that I should make one for Beckett. I have a ton of leftover fabric from his bedding so I dug it out and got sewing. Mine does not look as cute :(. But I tried.
* Guy has been self employed for 3 years now. Overall it has been a wonderful thing for us. BUT (there's always a but) there have been some real downsides as well. For example, since I am no longer working we have lost all of our benefits which is HUGE. Like really, really huge. Beckett's health insurance is outrageous due to his kidney condition, so we are on Cobra right now. No bueno. We also incur a ton of expenses. We were tallying them up the other day and found some *fun* facts about our business expenses for 2011. For example, I really couldn't believe that Guy averages $58.00 a month on toll tag expenses. Really? And don't even get me started on those daily client meals.....Anyway, there are a lot of other pros and cons too. Well, as of Feb. 15th Guy will no longer be self employed. He will still do the same job, but his contracted company is being bought by a company based in California. He will be an employee! They will help with insurance costs and vehicle costs, so that is exciting.
* I have been running, running, running. I want to sign up for a 5k to run with Beckett and a 10K to do with a friend. Any takers?
* My mom and I saw "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" this weekend. Or is it "Extremely Close and Incredibly Loud?" "Incredibly Close and Extremely Loud?" I have no idea. Anyway, don't let my lack of memory deter you. It was very good. Very sad too. I cried, which I don't often do in movies.
* I am currently reading the Steve Jobs biography. He was a jerk. And weird. I mean, obviously a revolutionary person who changed our world but I can still think of better role models out there.
* I have been knocking out a lot of "to do's" lately. Stuff I have wanted to do for years, but just never had the time. Well, I have plenty of that now (in small, unpredictable chunks). I am currently working on hanging picture frames . We are also getting the curb fixed out front. And a few other things too.
Obviously, I need to add pictures to them. I also need to order some mats too.
* I'm feeling really bad and guilty that I called Steve Jobs a jerk. But I still stand that he was weird. Who eats only fruits and vegetables (and sometimes the same ones for weeks on end) so that they can be "mucus free?" Gross.
*Speaking of only eating fruits and vegetables, Guy says that he wants to do something crazy for his diet. "Like eat a fresh fruit?" I ask. (If you know my husband, then you would understand that the man loves meat, meat, and more meat. Fruits and Veggies are not on his radar. You would also know that Guy is 200% or nothing. All in or all out. So, if he's eating healthy then he is eating ridiculously healthy.) Anyhow, I think he is just so sick of eating out all the time. So, looks like I will be making a few more salads for dinner! (Which, if you know me, is my kind of meal!)
* Picnik is closing. That's the website where I made Beckett's onesies. Isn't that too bad? But you can get all of the Premium stickers for free right now.
* Whenever it's nice out I always like to take Beckett on a walk. I was able to snap his 8 month pictures while taking a little break. The green grass makes it look like it is Spring! With this mild winter I keep thinking that Summer is just around the corner, but it's not. I feel like I have hardly even had a chance to wear my scarves and tall boots.
By the way, how can he be 8 months. Not possible!
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