Monday, January 23, 2012

Dear Beckett: 34 and 35 Weeks

Dear Beckett,

You are 8 months old today!  Such a big boy!

Still no crawling, BUT it's amazing how much more you have been moving around these last few weeks. One day I put you down for a nap and you were having none of it.  I watched on the monitor as you sat yourself up.  What?!?  I had to go in and see for myself....

You were SO proud of yourself.  Just grinning from ear to ear!

You get in the crawling position to "rock" and move your hands, but eventually you put your tummy back down.  Unfortunately, it's getting you quite frustrated at times.  You want a toy or to get into something, but just can't quite make it happen.  I'm sure it will happen very soon though!

The last few days you have been an eating machine.  I wonder if you are going through a growth spurt.  Your favorite thing in the whole world are Mum-Mums.  You just go crazy for them.  In fact, I cannot even say the word without you going nuts.  I predict that your first word will be Mum-Mum.  Of course, I will think it is Momma :).

You have also started to eat "puffs."  I had tried them out about a month ago, but you couldn't use your fingers well enough to get them into your mouth easily.  Now you are a pro and gobble them down.

So far you have tried carrots, sweet potatoes, green beans, peas, apples (you love them), pears, red bell pepper, avocado, bananas, prunes, and strawberries (we think you are allergic).  You are a good eater!

For awhile now we have been using baby sign language.  I just love it!  You understand the signs for Mum Mums (I just made one up), loud, and more.  We are working on other signs too: momma, daddy, bath, swing, sit, hello/goodbye, cold, and puffs (again, I just made this one up).  I try to add a new one every week or so.  

Last week your dad hung up your swing!  (You supervised.)  We have had a lot of fun using it.

The weather has been warm, so we have had lots of time to enjoy being outside.  You love to hang out at the park or sit on the patio and watch the dogs.

In fact, we have gone running together twice now that you are big enough to run in the Bob stroller.  It's a little awkward and pretty hard, but I am excited to have a little running buddy!  We have gone 2 1/2 miles each time - hopefully we can progress more when spring comes.

Our first run!

Grandma also came to visit.  You guys did lots of playing.  It was a fun weekend!

You bring us so much joy.

We love you.



  1. We like Mum-mums too! Banana flavor seems to be the flavor of choice. :) He is so cute Missy!

  2. Thanks Missy! I got my Beckett fix:)

  3. He is so handsome! Tell Guy that I especially love the picture of him in his man leggings.;)

  4. I'm passing along the Liebster Blog Award! Come by and pick it up when you have a chance:)
