Here are a few things that I have made that have been tasty:
Roasted Tomato Soup - Super yummy and easy to make. I only added 1 tablespoon of cream and that was plenty. Next time I think I will try adding a little sherry and maybe some chopped artichokes. To make it worth the dishes, I would also double the recipe since it only serves two.
Creamy Baked Chicken Taquitos - These will definitely be "on the rotation." Y-u-m-m-y! I tried to lighten it up with reduced fat cream cheese and skim cheese, and I think they tasted great.
Cook Yourself Thin Sloppy Joes - I first heard about "Cook Yourself Thin" from Cori, who has been cooking their recipes like crazy. Everything I had tried was delicious, so I thought I would give their Sloppy Joes a try. They were super good! I was short on chile powder, so I added some other random seasonings - mustard and red pepper flakes.
As for food for this cutie...
One thing that the Urologist said we could do to prevent any kind of infection for Beckett was to give him probiotics. So every night I give him a bottle and add a probiotic powder to it. I also try to eat plenty of yogurt. Knowing that at four months many babies begin rice cereal, I dragged Guy to Babies R Us to check out the many kinds of cereals. I was so excited because I managed to find a cereal that was not only organic but already had probiotics in it! Score! This could save me double the work of a night time bottle (since I have to pump for it).
On Tuesday B had his 4 month appointment and we took the food to Dr. Harpavat to see if she thought he would get enough of the probiotic benefit from it. We were so surprised because she said that we needed to hold off on all cereals/foods until at least 6 months! Her reasoning, though, made sense. She said that cereals and baby foods can cause constipation and it's not a risk we can afford to take with Beckett's kidneys. We'll also have to be extra cautious about which foods we give him and monitoring how he does with each. For instance, apples are the least binding. I have to admit, Guy and I were a bit disappointed... we have been talking about how fun it will be to give him real food. :) Of course it is WAY more important to air on the side of caution.
I also asked her about making baby food myself (when the time comes). I have wanted to do this, but not sure if it's worth the time, cost (it's probably cheaper, but not sure), etc. She got so excited and said, "yes, yes, yes! Homemade so much better!" (Picture an adorable Indian voice.)
I asked about the difficulty of finding organic fruits/veggies sometimes and she actually surprised me by saying that it was way more important to make the baby food yourself and avoid the preservatives in jarred food. Interesting....
She then talked A LONNNGGGGG time about how I need to eat meat and dairy that doesn't have growth hormones in it. (Guy and I already buy organic milk, but I usually just get Tyson chicken and Jennie's Turkey.) Also interesting.....
And how I need to eat even more yogurt. Like a lot more yogurt. Like three times a day. That's a lot of yogurt, people. Hmmm.
So, yesterday B and I trotted off to Sprouts to buy our growth hormone free chicken and a massive carton of Fage.
Soooooo, anyone have recipes that include yogurt??? :)