Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Dear Beckett: 10 Weeks

Dear Beckett,

Poor little guy, you had a rough start to your week.  We could tell that you weren't feeling well at all.  You hardly slept and fussed almost constantly - which is NOT your normal behavior.  I took you to the pediatrician and we decided that your antibiotics were not agreeing with your tummy.  So, you are now taking a probiotic medicine that should help your digestion.  Each day you have been more and more like yourself, so it must be working!  I am so thankful because I hate seeing you unhappy.

We spent a lot of time in our pj's, just cuddling.

You are officially OUT of your 0-3 month clothes and IN to your 3-6 month clothes!  It seems like you were only into 0-3 month clothes for a few weeks.  At the pediatrician's office you weighed 11.8 pounds!

Your little eyelashes are also growing!  I can't believe how long they are now.

I love that you know who we are now.  When I start talking, you turn your head to look for me.  You almost always give me big smiles when we make eye contact.  It makes my day!

We love you.


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