Friday, November 4, 2011

Getin' My Craft On!

I'm sure it's a combination of the craft fairs that Emily and I have gone to along with countless hours wasted on pinterest ideas, but I have been feeling very crafty lately.  I thought I would share with you some of my "lovely" creations.

Blessings Ring: I'm waaaayyyyy sentimental, so it's no surprise that as a kid I seriously kept every single card/letter I was given.  And they are still all boxed away in my attic.  Seriously.  Anywho, I'm sure boys are less sentimental and B probably won't appreciate all of the baby cards that were given to him when he was born, but maybe he will.  Or maybe I will just add them to my attic collection.  But, I did make a blessings ring for him that matches his monogrammed sign above his crib.

Glittery Pumpkin Topiaries:  These were a team effort.  Guy (aka "craft daddy") drilled the holes, Emily encouraged the polka dots, and Beckett happily supervised and got a bit bedazzled by the glitter. (He wears it well.)

Missy (speaking proudly to Guy): "Honey, what do you think of the topiaries?" (Totally fishing for a compliment.)
Guy: "What's a toe party?"
Missy: "A TOE-PEE-AIR-E!  Like what you just helped me make?" (Eyes are rolling.)
Guy: "Oh."
Missy: (Awkward standing as I am still fishing for my compliment.)
Guy: "Well sweetie, if I ever liked foam pumpkins on a stick it would be those foam pumpkins on a stick. I'm really glad that you worked so hard to make those foam pumpkins on a stick."

Not exactly the compliment I was wanting, but....

I think they turned out pretty cute!

Random Halloween Decor:  I elected to not get out all of my Halloween Decor this year.  It is buried under a pile of cards from 1982 junk in the attic and I just wasn't in the mood to drag it out.  But, of course I regretted that because its B's first Halloween.  You have to decorate for your baby's first holiday, right? So, I felt the need to make some random signs.  Because Beckett is a baby genius and can read them.  

I also made this jack-o-lantern out of a paperback book.  You don't even want to know what Guy had to say about me spending 2 hours of my life folding 243 book pages.  

So, a couple of signs and a folded book pretty much sums up our Halloween decorating for the year.  

Christmas Sign:  Given my complete Halloween Decorating Fail, I decided to jump start my Christmas craftiness a bit early.  (Ok - I made this three months before Christmas, but who's counting?) 

Who knows, maybe in another month I will begin my 4th of July creations.  Ha!

My current project is a burlap stocking door hanger.  I saw a bunch of ADORABLE ones while we were shopping in Memphis.  But they were kind of expensive and I thought I could just try to make one myself.  Basically it's just cut out burlap with some painted designs.  Not hard.

So far I have painted my wood floors, painted myself, painted Guy's shipments for work, and painted the baby (not kidding).

Maybe I should have broke down and spent the fifty bucks on the already made, professional looking hanger?  

Oh, but then I would miss all of the crafting fun.

Happy Crafting, Everyone!

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