Monday, June 20, 2011

Dear Beckett: 4 Weeks

Dear Beckett,

Your Daddy and I truly cannot believe that you are one month old!  It seems like you could only be two weeks.  Maybe.

Your parents have a slight obsession with your little toes right now.

This week you have GROWN!  At the beginning of the week you began your three week growth spurt.  You wanted to eat all the time.  Your newborn clothes are now snug and you can wear some 0-3 month onesies.  When you were born your little body was so tiny - instead of rolls of fat you had rolls of skin.  Now your face and neck have filled out and you have a little more meat on your legs.  It seems you are finally fitting into your skin! You now weigh 7 pounds 6 ounces.

And, since you are really growing up to be a big boy, you went on a second date with Miss Hattie Jane.

Oh, yes, we really did do this to you.  :)

On Tuesday we took you to the ENT (Ears, Nose and Throat doctor) to fix your tongue tie.  The doctor had to snip the extra bit of "skin" under your tongue.  You cried for just a minute then fell asleep in Mom's arms.  What a champ!

This morning I read a book to you, Peek-a-Boo I Love you.   You amazed us by following along, page by page.  We watched your eyes follow my fingers as I read the words and pointed them to you.  We think you are Super Baby!

We love you.


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