Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Remember how we did family pictures on the beach?  Well, I showed you a few of my favorites.  They were carefully selected from a few hundred less than perfect shots.  But some of the best pictures are the outtakes.  The ones that you normally toss into the trash folder because they aren't "perfect."  But I think you may appreciate a few of these....


"Someone" learned a new skill.

Petting Guy's chest hair.  Oh yes...

C'mon Gary, just SMILE!

Alex was especially thrilled to be matchy matchy and have family portraits.  You can tell how seriously they were taking it.  

Poor Guyla probably had a stomach ache after all that laughing!

Photo BOMB.

Me: "Let's get a girl's picture.  Hold on and I will get the tripod set up perfectly."

Maybe I shouldn't drink and photograph???

On second thought, I think drinking and photography just go hand in hand.  Cheers to pictures, the beach, and priceless family pictures!


  1. Lol- your family sounds and looks like my family! Ha! Love these!

  2. So many fun memories! I don't know that I've ever laughed more than during family pictures:)
